The Lutheran Hymnal, Lutheran Worship, and other hymnals are indexed by tune, Scripture reference, and other categories. Lyrics, music scores, and MIDI files are available for many of the hymns.
Hausvater: /HAUS-fah-ter/
noun (German)
1. Housefather.
2. Spiritually responsible head of household, including the housefather as assisted by the housemother.
>> Example: "As the Hausvater should teach it [Christian doctrine] to the entire family ..."
(Martin Luther, Small Catechism, 1529)
The Lutheran Hymnal, Lutheran Worship, and other hymnals are indexed by tune, Scripture reference, and other categories. Lyrics, music scores, and MIDI files are available for many of the hymns.
(Web links are provided for research assistance only. Neither The Hausvater Project nor its board members necessarily endorse the full contents of these sites.)
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